Cordon bleu scat with Mistress Gaia [HD]
Cordon bleu scat with Mistress Gaia [HD]
So you don’t want to eat my shit raw. That’s ok… I’m going to arrange a little treat for some of you. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Firstly though, I have to make sure you have that thing in you hand, YES your cock. Pay attention, as I’m going to prepare this little treat from the very beginning. As I remove my clothes, I’m sure you’ll antisipate what’s cum-ming.
I have a very nice new pan that I’m going to use to shit in. Don’t worry, It’s clean. I will then place it on my cooker and slowly allow it to cook. 5 minutes should be enough. There we have it, your original Courden Bleu shit by Goddess Mistress Gaia. Maybe some ORANGE JUICE to wash it down.
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